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Homepage Pascal Monestiez


Email : pascal.monestiez@inrae.fr
Tél: +33 (0)

Research interests / Recent publications / PhD students / Others


Methodological developments in Geostatistics :

          o Statistical data modelling for Citizen Sciences

          o Count data geostatistics and spatial hierarchical models

          o Spatial modelling at multiples scales (and multispecies) in ecology

          o Geostatistics for stream networks data and tree structures (closed : contact  jay.verhoef@gmail.com)

          o Functional geostatistics, functional kriging and profile data modeling in environment (closed : contact david.nerini @ univ-amu.fr)

  • RECENT PUBLICATIONS (2014-2020):

Botella C, Joly A, Monestiez P, Bonnet P, Munoz F (2020) Bias in presence-only niche models related to sampling effort and species niches : Lessons for background point selection. PLOS ONE 15(5): e0232078. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0232078

Virgili A., Authier M., Boisseau O., Cañadas A., Claridge D., Cole T., Corkeron P., Dorémus G., David L., Di‐Méglio N., Dunn C., Dunn T. E., García‐Barón I., Laran S., Lauriano G., Lewis M., Louzao M., Mannocci L., Martínez‐Cedeira J., Palka D., Panigada S.,Pettex E., Roberts J.J., Ruiz L., Saavedra C., Begoña Santos M., Van Canneyt O.,Vázquez Bonales J. A., Monestiez P., Ridoux V.  Combining multiple visual surveys to model the habitat of deep‐diving cetaceans at the basin scale. Global Ecol Biogeogr. 2019;28:300–314. https://doi.org/10.1111/geb.12850

Botella C., Joly A., Bonnet P., Monestiez P., Munoz F.  Species distribution modeling based on the automated identification of citizen observations. Applications on plant sciences, https:/doi.org/10.1002/aps3.1029

Botella C., Joly A., Bonnet P., Monestiez P., Munoz F. A deep learning approach to species distribution modelling, In Multimedia Tools and Applications for Environmental & Biodiversity Informatics, 2018,Joly, A., Vrochidis, S., Karatzas, K., Karppinen, A., Bonnet, P. (Eds.), Springer, pp. 169-199.

Di-Méglio N., David L., Monestiez P. 2018 Sperm whale ship strikes in the Pelagos Sanctuary and adjacent waters: assessing and mapping collision risks in summer. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 18: 135–147.

Bretagnolle V., Berthet E., Gross N., Gauffre B., Plumejeaud C., Houte S., Badenhausser I., Monceau K., Allier F., Monestiez P., Gaba S. Towards sustainable and multifunctional agriculture in farmland landscapes: Lessons from the integrative approach of a French LTSER platform. Science of the Total Environment. 2018, 627, 822-834

Bretagnolle V., Berthet E., Gross N., Gauffre B., Plumejeaud C., Houte S., Badenhausser I., Monceau K., Allier F., Monestiez P., Gaba S. Description of long-term monitoring of farmland biodiversity in a LTSER. (Data article). Data in Brief. 2018, 19, 1310-1313

Virgili A., Authier M., Monestiez P., Ridoux V. How many sightings to model rare marine species distributions. PLoS ONE. 2018, 13, (3), e0193231

Laran S., Pettex E., Authier M., Blanck A., David L., Doremus G., Falchetto H., Monestiez P., Van Canneyt O., Ridoux V. Seasonal distribution and abundance of cetaceans within French waters- Part I: The North-Western Mediterranean, including the Pelagos sanctuary. Deep Sea Research Part II. 141:20–30  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.12.011

Laran S., Authier M., Blanck A., Doremus G., Falchetto H., Monestiez P., Pettex E., Stephan E., Van Canneyt O., Ridoux V. Seasonal distribution and abundance of cetaceans within French waters- Part II: The Bay of Biscay and the English Channel. Deep Sea Research Part II. 141:31–40   https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dsr2.2016.12.012

Pettex E., David L., Authier M., Blanck A., Doremus G., Falchetto H., Laran S., Monestiez P., Van Canneyt O., Virgili A., Ridoux V. Using large scale surveys to investigate seasonal variations in seabird distribution and abundance. Part I: The North Western Mediterranean Sea. Deep-Sea Research II. 2017, 141, 74-85

Pettex E., Laran S., Authier M., Blanck A., Doremus G., Falchetto H., Lambert C., Monestiez P., Stefan E., Van Canneyt O., Ridoux V. Using large scale surveys to investigate seasonal variations in seabird distribution and abundance. Part II: The Bay of Biscay and the English Channel. Deep-Sea Research II. 2017, 141, 86-101

Virgili A., Racine M., Authier M., Monestiez P., Ridoux V. Comparison of habitat models for scarcely detected species. Ecological Modelling. 2017, 346, 88-98

Walker E., Monestiez P., Gomez C., Lagacherie P. Combining measured sites, soilscapes map and soil sensing for mapping soil properties of a region. Geoderma. 2017, 300, 64-73

Gabriel E., Bonneu F., Monestiez P., Chadœuf J. Adapted kriging to predict the intensity of partially observed point process data. Spatial Statistics. 2016, 18, 54-71

Madouasse A., Nusinovici S., Monestiez P., Ezanno P., Lehebel A. Statistical methods in veterinary epidemiology. Journal de la Société Française de Statistique. 2016, 157, (1), 153-181

Viviant M., Jeanniard-Du-Dot T., Monestiez P., Authier M., Guinet C. Bottom time does not always predict prey encounter rate in Antarctic fur seals. Functional Ecology. 2016, 30, 1834-1844

Calenge, C., Albaret, M., Léger, F., Vandel, J.-M., Chadoeuf, J., Giraud, C., Huet, S., Julliard, R., Monestiez, P., Piffady, J., Pinaud, D., Ruette, S. Premières cartes d’abondance relative de six mustélidés en France . Modélisation des données collectées dans les «carnets de bord petits carnivores» de l’ONCFS. Faune Sauvage, 2016, 130 (1er. trimestre), 17.

Walker E., Monestiez P., Gomez C., Lagacherie P. Combining measured sites, soilscapes map and soil sensing for mapping soil properties of a region. Geoderma. 2016, 300, 64-73

Bayle S., Monestiez P., Guinet C., Nerini D. Moving toward finer scales in oceanography: predictive linear functional model of chlorophyll a profile from light data. Progress in Oceanography. 2015, 134, 221-231

Calenge C., Chadoeuf J., Giraud C., Huet S., Julliard R., Monestiez P., Piffady J., Pinaud D., Ruette S. The spatial distribution of mustelidae in France. PloS one. 2015, 10, e0121689

Mannocci L., Monestiez P., Spitz J., Ridoux V. Extrapolating cetacean densities beyond surveyed regions: habitat-based predictions in the circumtropical belt. Journal of Biogeography. 2015, 42, (7), 1267-1280

Nusinovici S., Monestiez P., Seegers H., Beaudeau F., Fourichon Ch.(2014) Using Animal Performance Data to Evidence the Under-Reporting of Case Herds during an Epizootic: Application to an Outbreak of Bluetongue in Cattle Plos One doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0100137

Le Rest K., Pinaud D., Monestiez P., Chadœuf J., Bretagnolle V. (2014) Spatial Leave-one-out cross validation for variable selection in the presence of spatial autocorrelation. Global Ecology and Biogeography (on line - early view)

Bayle S., Monestiez P., Nerini D. (2014) Modèle linéaire de prédiction fonctionnelle sur données environnementales : choix de modélisation. Journal de la Société Française de Statistique 155:121-137

Le Rest K., Pinaud D., Monestiez P., Chadœuf J., Bretagnolle V. (2014) Spatial Leave-one-out cross validation for variable selection in the presence of spatial autocorrelation. Global Ecology and Biogeography XXX

Bayle S., Monestiez P., Nerini D. (2014) Modèle linéaire de prédiction fonctionnelle sur données environnementales : choix de modélisation. Journal de la Société Française de Statistique 155:121-137

Isaak, D. J., Peterson, E. E., Ver Hoef, J. M., Wenger, S. J., Falke, J. A., Torgersen, C. E., Sowder, C., Steel, E. A., Fortin, M.-J., Jordan, C. E., Ruesch, A. S., Som, N. and Monestiez, P. (2014) Applications of spatial statistical network models to stream data. WIREs Water. doi: 10.1002/wat2.1023

Mannocci L., Laran S., Monestiez P., Dorémus G., Van Canneyt O., Watremez P. and Ridoux V. (2014) Predicting top predator habitats in the South West Indian Ocean: response to heterogeneity in average versus instantaneous habitat quality. Ecography 37:261–278.

Mannocci L., Catalogna M., Dorémus G., Laran S., Lehodey P., Massart W., Monestiez P., Van Canneyt O.,Watremez P., Ridoux V. (2014) Predicting cetacean and seabird habitats across a productivity gradient in the South Pacific gyre, Progress in Oceanography 120:383-398

Viviant M., Monestiez P., Guinet C. (2014) Can We Predict Foraging Success in a Marine Predator from Dive Patterns Only? Validation with Prey Capture Attempt Data. PlosOne, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0088503

  • A selection of publications before 2014

Bellier E., Monestiez P., Certain G., Chadœuf J., Bretagnolle V., 2013 - Reducing the uncertainty of wildlife population abundance: model-based versus design-based estimates. Environmetrics 24:476-488

Peterson E. E., Ver Hoef J. M., Isaak D. J., Falke J. A., Fortin M-J., Jordan C.E., McNyset K., Monestiez P., Ruesch A. S., Sengupta A., Som N., Steel E. A., Theobald D. M., Torgersen C. E. and Wenger S. J., 2013 - Modelling dendritic ecological networks in space: an integrated network perspective.  Ecology Letters 16: 707-719.

Bellier E., Monestiez P., Certain G., Chadœuf J. and Bretagnolle V., 2012 – Decomposing the heterogeneity of species distributions into multiple scales: a hierarchical framework for large-scale count surveys. Ecography 35: 839-854.

Bourgeois, A., Gaba, S., Munier-Jolain, N., Monestiez, P. and  Soubeyrand, S., 2012 - Inferring weed spatial distribution from multi-type data. Ecological Modelling 226: 92-98.

Lagacherie P., Bailly J-S., Monestiez P. and  Gomez C., 2012 - Using scattered soil sensing field surveys to map soil properties over a region.  An example with airborne hyperspectral imagery. European Journal of Soil Science. 63: 110-119.

Bellier E. and  Monestiez, P. 2010 - A spatial covariance model with a single wave effect  and a finite range. Statistics and Probability Letters  80:1343-1347.

Garreta V., Monestiez P. and Ver Hoef J. 2010 - Spatial modelling and prediction on river networks: up model, down model or hybrid ? Environmetrics 21: 439-456.

Nerini, D., Monestiez, P. and  Manté, C.  2010. Cokriging for spatial functional data.  Journal  of  Multivariate Analysis  101:409-418.

For references above, the pdf files cannot be available on Web and downloaded due to copyright policy, but they can be sent directly by the author. Ask for them at pascal.monestiez@inrae.fr


          o Christophe Botella, PhD student 2016 - 2019 (with Alexis Joly, INRIA Montpellier and Francois Munoz, Univ Grenoble)

          o Auriane Virgili, PhD student 2015 - 2018 (with Vincent Ridoux, Université de La Rochelle)


          o CiSStats Network : Citizen Science Statistics

          o OrcaDepred  (ANR project) 2018 -2021 :  Partner WP 3.  Leader : Christophe Guinet, CEBC, CNRS


          o Scuba Diving Instructor

Instructeur National #117 (Course Director) from the FFESSM (Fédération Française d'Etudes et de Sports Sous-Marins - French Underwater Federation).